Bunker Hill College Data Breach: Over 170k Affected

What You Need to Know

Over 170,000 current and former students of Bunker Hill Community College were notified of a data breach involving sensitive information such as Social Security numbers and medical details due to a ransomware attack detected on May 23, 2023.

  • Company Name: Bunker Hill Community College
  • Date Filed: December 28, 2023
  • Number of People Affected: Over 170k
  • Data Breached: Names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, state identification numbers, passport numbers, financial account information, credit & debit card numbers, usernames & passwords, medical information, health insurance information

Who’s Affected & What Data Was Breached

Affected Parties

Bunker Hill Community College notified over 170,000 current and former students of a data breach after discovering the security incident.

Breached Data

The data accessed by an unauthorized party includes names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, driver s license numbers, state identification numbers, passport numbers, financial account information, credit & debit card numbers, usernames & passwords, medical information, and health insurance information. The specifics of the data breached may vary depending on the individual.

Bunker Hill Community College Data Breach Summary

Initial Discovery

On May 23, 2023, Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) detected unusual activity on its computer network indicative of a ransomware attack. In reaction to this discovery, BHCC immediately took steps to secure its network.

Response to the Breach

BHCC’s response was swift as they took the affected systems offline to curb the attack. Simultaneously, they informed law enforcement about the incident. The college sought the expertise of third-party data security specialists to delve into the nature and extent of the breach.

Investigation Outcomes

The investigation revealed that prior to the ransomware attack, an unauthorized individual had gained access to the college’s network. This entity acquired certain files containing sensitive information related to students.

Data Compromised

The compromised data encompassed a range of personal information. This included names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, driver s license numbers, state identification numbers, and passport numbers. Financial details such as account, credit, and debit card numbers were also exposed, along with usernames, passwords, medical, and health insurance information.

Notification of the Data Breach

After a thorough review of the files that were compromised, BHCC concluded which consumers were affected and what specific information of theirs had been leaked. Consequently, on December 28, 2023, BHCC commenced sending out notification letters to the data breach victims. These communications were purposed to inform those affected by the incident and detail what information of theirs was involved.

Scale of the Breach

The data breach notification letters were dispatched to over 170,000 current and former students of BHCC. It stands as a substantial data breach, affecting a significant portion of the college’s community.

Background on Bunker Hill Community College

Bunker Hill Community College, established in 1973, is the largest community college in Massachusetts. Located in Boston, it enrolls around 13,000 students annually. The college employs over 748 individuals and generates around $69 million in revenue each year.


The BHCC data breach affected a vast number of individuals with varying types of personal information being exposed. The college has since notified those impacted and taken corrective actions to address the security incident. Information about the breach and its repercussions are still unfolding, and affected individuals are advised to remain vigilant.

More Information About Bunker Hill Community College

Overview of Bunker Hill Community College

Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) is an established public community college located in Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1973, the college has grown to become the largest community college within the state.

Student Demographics

BHCC serves a diverse student population, including recent high school graduates, adults returning to education, international students, and local residents seeking career advancement or personal enrichment. Its demographic encompasses a wide range of backgrounds, ages, and educational needs.

Academic Programs and Services

The institution offers a variety of academic programs, including associate degrees across numerous disciplines, certificate programs, and targeted workforce training designed to respond to the needs of the local economy. These educational options are intended to prepare students either for direct entry into the workforce or for transfer to four-year universities.

Enrollment Statistics

BHCC is a significant educational entity in Massachusetts, enrolling an average of approximately 13,000 students annually. This volume of enrollment indicates its substantial role in providing education and opportunity to a large segment of the community.

Workforce and Economic Impact

With an employment force of more than 748 individuals, Bunker Hill Community College is also an important employer in the region. It contributes economically not only through employment but also by generating approximately $69 million in annual revenue.

Educational Infrastructure

To support its extensive student body and range of programs, BHCC maintains a robust educational infrastructure. The college possesses multiple campuses and facilities equipped with the technology and resources necessary to provide quality education and student support services.

Continuing Education and Community Services

Extending beyond traditional academic offerings, BHCC also provides continuing education and community engagement programs. These serve to enhance lifelong learning opportunities and deepen the college’s integration with the local community.

Response to Emergent Needs

Bunker Hill Community College adapts to the evolving educational and training demands by continually updating its programs and services. The college is attentive to the shifting skill sets required by employers and prides itself on offering relevant education aligned with the current job market and societal needs.