Cooper Aerobics Hit by Data Breach: Key Facts and Next Steps

What You Need to Know

Cooper Aerobics, a Texas-based health and wellness company, experienced a data breach where unauthorized access may have compromised personal and health-related information, including names, identification numbers, contact details, financial data, medical records, and health insurance information of an unspecified number of individuals.

  • Company Name: Cooper Aerobics
  • Date Filed: Unspecified
  • Number of People Affected: 96,000
  • Data Breached: Name, Driver’s license or government identification, Passport number, Contact information (e.g., phone number, email address), Financial information (e.g., credit or debit card number, expiration date, financial account and routing number, tax identification number), Health information (e.g., medical record or patient account number, prescription information, medical provider, medical procedure), Health insurance information (e.g., health insurance carrier, health insurance number or group identification)

Who’s Affected & What Data Was Breached

Affected Customers

The specific number of individuals impacted by the Cooper Aerobics data breach has not been determined. Individuals who had their information in the Cooper Aerobics systems may be affected.

Compromised Data

Sensitive personal identifiable information and protected health information were involved in the breach. The potentially exposed data includes names, drivers license or government identification, passport numbers, contact information, financial information such as credit or debit card details, health information including medical records and insurance information.

Cooper Aerobics Data Breach Summary

Background of the Breach

On December 8, 2023, Cooper Aerobics became aware of a security incident that has potentially compromised the personal and health information of an undisclosed number of individuals. The organization confirmed that the breach resulted from unauthorized access to its systems.

Discovery and Investigation

After detecting the data breach, Cooper Aerobics initiated an investigation to ascertain the scope and impact of the incident. It was identified that the breach occurred on or about February 3, 2023, suggesting that the unauthorized access had gone undetected for several months.

Type of Information Exposed

The breach potentially exposed a combination of personal identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI). The affected data elements include names, drivers license numbers, passport numbers, contact information such as phone numbers and email addresses, financial details including credit or debit card information, as well as sensitive health information and health insurance details.

Notification to Impacted Individuals

On January 5, 2024, Cooper Aerobics began the process of informing affected individuals by sending out breach notification letters that detail the nature of the compromised information. This communication occurred nearly a month after the discovery, providing individuals with information about the incident and recommended steps to safeguard their personal information.

Steps for Affected Individuals

Impacted parties are advised to take precautionary measures following the data breach at Cooper Aerobics. Recommended actions include changing passwords and security questions for any online accounts, reviewing account statements for unusual activity, monitoring credit reports for signs of identity theft, and possibly placing a fraud alert with credit bureaus.

Aftermath and Consumer Rights

Individuals who received a breach notification letter from Cooper Aerobics may seek advice about their legal rights and options in response to the data breach. While actions are being suggested to mitigate potential damages, the full extent of the impact on affected consumers remains to be determined.


The Cooper Aerobics data breach raises concerns about the safety of personal and health information within the organization. With the investigation into the full implications of the incident underway, affected individuals are urged to remain vigilant against identity theft and fraud.

About Cooper Aerobics


Cooper Aerobics is a comprehensive health and wellness organization based in Texas. It was founded in 1970 and has since grown into a conglomerate of health-focused brands.

Services and Brands

The organization includes Cooper Institute, Cooper Clinic, Cooper Fitness Center, Cooper Spa, Cooper Hotel and Conference Center, Cooper Complete, and Cooper Wellness Strategies. Each brand provides a specialized set of services aimed at improving individuals’ health and wellness.

Customer Base

Cooper Aerobics serves a diverse customer base seeking health and wellness solutions. This includes individuals looking for physical health assessments, fitness programs, spa treatments, lodging for wellness retreats, nutritional supplements, and comprehensive wellness strategies.

Health & Medical Services

Patrons of Cooper Clinic benefit from preventive health exams and consultations on lifestyle-related health issues. This arm of Cooper Aerobics focuses on delivering personalized medical care and detailed health assessments.

Fitness and Spa

The Cooper Fitness Center offers state-of-the-art exercise facilities and personal training services, while Cooper Spa provides a range of relaxation and rejuvenation services, such as massages and skincare treatments.

Hospitality and Conference Services

For those requiring accommodations or event facilities, the Cooper Hotel and Conference Center provides a hospitality experience that aligns with the organizations overall wellness mission.

Nutritional Supplements

Cooper Complete is dedicated to providing high-quality vitamins and nutritional supplements. These are designed to support overall health and are developed based on scientific research.

Corporate Health Strategies

Cooper Wellness Strategies works with businesses to create custom health and wellness programs. Their solutions aim to improve the health of employees, thereby benefiting the organization as a whole.

Employment and Operations

Located in Dallas, Texas, Cooper Aerobics is an important employer in the region with a staff of over 500 individuals. It combines healthcare, hospitality, and wellness expertise across its operations to cater to a comprehensive set of health-related needs.