UT Health East Texas Cyber Incident: Possible Data Breach Alert

What You Need to Know

UT Health East Texas experienced a “potential security incident” that may have resulted in a data breach, raising concerns among patients about the confidentiality of their personal information, though the extent of any data leakage has not been confirmed.

  • Company Name: UT Health East Texas
  • Date Filed: Unspecified
  • Number of People Affected: Unknown
  • What Data Was Breached: Unspecified

Who’s Affected & What Data Was Breached

Affected Customers

At this time, UT Health East Texas has not confirmed the number of customers affected by the potential security incident. Further details regarding the exact customer base impacted are pending the results of the ongoing investigation.

Compromised Data

The specific details of what data, if any, was breached during the potential security incident have not yet been disclosed. UT Health East Texas is in the process of assessing the impact and will notify any affected parties if it is determined that confidential patient or employee information was leaked.

UT Health East Texas Potential Data Breach

Initial Discovery

The management at UT Health East Texas (“UTHET”) reported a “potential security incident” on November 23, 2023. They noticed a network outage which they interpreted as a sign of a possible breach. This prompted a cautious response as they aimed to secure their systems.

Response to the Incident

In reaction to the perceived threat, UTHET took the step of diverting patients to other nearby medical facilities. This was a move to prevent further complications while they focused on resolving the network problems. They started the process to restore their systems shortly after detecting the incident.

Timeline of Events

The incident was revealed to the public on the same day it was discovered, November 23, 2023. UT Health East Texas provided an initial estimation that normal operations could resume in 24-36 hours from the occurrence of the incident. By November 27, 2023, at approximately 12:00 p.m., the patient diversion was ended and UTHET stopped rerouting patients, indicating a restoration of normal functioning.

Pending Investigation

As of the last update, UTHET has not yet confirmed whether any patient data was actually leaked or compromised. The event is still classified as a “potential security incident,” and an ongoing investigation is in progress to determine the extent and impact. The lack of confirmation leaves open the concern for a possible data breach.

Next Steps for UTHET

Should the ongoing inquiry uncover that sensitive patient or employee information was indeed leaked, UTHET will be obliged to notify all affected individuals. These notifications will detail the nature of the incident and what specific data was involved. The organization will undertake the necessary measures to comply with legal requirements regarding the data breach.

About UT Health East Texas

UT Health East Texas is a significant health institution within Tyler, Texas, and is not-for-profit. They maintain a wide network consisting of hospitals, clinics, and other health facilities, employing over 5,700 personnel. Revenue generation for UTHET is estimated to be around $880 million annually, highlighting the substantial scope of their operations and the potential scale of the data breach impact.

UT Health East Texas Overview

UT Health East Texas is a prominent healthcare provider based in the heart of East Texas. As a not-for-profit health system, it has established a substantial presence in the region’s medical landscape.

Services and Facilities

The organization offers a comprehensive range of health services to its patient community. With an extensive network that includes ten hospitals and 50 clinics, UT Health East Texas serves as a critical hub for medical care in its service area.

Specialized Care

In addition to the general medical services, UT Health East Texas operates 13 rehabilitation centers, catering to patients who require physical therapy and rehabilitation services. These centers are integral for recovery and provide specialized care to those in need of personalized treatment plans.

Fitness and Wellness

Aiming to promote a healthy lifestyle among its community members, UT Health East Texas runs six Olympic fitness centers. These centers emphasize the importance of wellness and provide facilities for physical exercise and health maintenance.

Emergency and Ambulance Services

One of the organization’s notable capabilities is operating the only accredited ambulance service in the region. This critical service ensures that emergency medical care is accessible to residents throughout East Texas.

Customer Base

The customer base of UT Health East Texas is diverse, consisting of residents from the local and surrounding communities who require medical attention. Customers rely on the organization for everything from routine check-ups to emergency medical interventions.

Use by the Community

Patients use UT Health East Texas as their primary source for healthcare services. They turn to the organization’s hospitals and clinics for diagnoses, treatments, and ongoing care for various health conditions.

Employment and Economic Impact

UT Health East Texas is also a significant employer in the region with more than 5,700 employees. Through its operations, it contributes approximately $880 million in annual revenue, underscoring its role as a key economic player in East Texas.

Commitment to Healthcare

The mission of UT Health East Texas is underscored by its not-for-profit status, focusing on delivering high-quality healthcare services rather than generating profit. The organization’s dedication to its patients and community is evident in its extensive service offerings and infrastructure.