Alps Alpine NA Hit by Data Breach: Employee Info Compromised

What You Need to Know

In a ransomware attack on Alps Alpine North America in July 2023, sensitive information including employee names, Social Security numbers, addresses, driver’s license numbers, and other identification details were compromised, with the company beginning to notify affected individuals in November 2023.

  • Company Name: Alps Alpine North America, Inc.
  • Date Filed: November 28, 2023
  • Number of People Affected: Unknown
  • Data Breached: Names, Social Security numbers, addresses, driver s license numbers, and other government-issued identification numbers.

Who’s Affected & What Data Was Breached

Affected Individuals

The data breach at Alps Alpine North America resulted in unauthorized access to employees sensitive information. The total number of affected individuals has not been specified.

Types of Data Compromised

The data accessed by the unauthorized party includes employees’ names, Social Security numbers, addresses, driver s license numbers, and other government-issued identification numbers. The specific data compromised varies depending on the individual.

Overview of the Alps Alpine North America Data Breach

Identification of Suspicious Activity

On July 6, 2023, Alps Alpine North America, Inc., a subsidiary of the Tokyo-based electronics company Alps Alpine Co. Ltd., detected unusual activities within its computer network. The discovery prompted immediate isolation of the affected servers and a subsequent investigation to determine the extent of the compromise.

Investigation and Confirmation of a Breach

The investigation spanned over two months, and it was not until September 12, 2023, that Alps Alpine publicly acknowledged the breach s confirmation. The security incident was identified as a ransomware attack where an unauthorized party accessed employees’ personal and business information.

Nature of the Compromised Data

Detailed reviews of the compromised files indicated a potential leak of sensitive data. Depending on the individual employee’s records, exposed information might include names, Social Security numbers, addresses, driver s license numbers, and other government-issued identification numbers.

Notification of Affected Individuals

Fast-forwarding to November 28, 2023, Alps Alpine North America took the step of sending out formal breach notification letters to the affected employees. These letters were intended to outline the specifics of the information that was compromised per individual.

Public Disclosure and Legal Obligations

In compliance with legal requirements, Alps Alpine North America filed a notice of the data breach with the Attorney General of Texas on November 28, 2023. This official filing included a description of the incident and identified the type of personal information that had been accessed during the attack.

Company Background

For context, Alps Alpine North America, Inc. operates within the electronics industry, boasting a substantial workforce and sizeable annual revenues. Though the parent company is headquartered in Tokyo, the North American arm is based in Santa Clara, California, and functions as an integral part of the larger organizational structure.

Preventative Measures and Next Steps

The company’s response to the incident has been documented through various website notices, informing the public and stakeholders of the breach and the response efforts. Although a full disclosure of the preventative measures taken post-breach has not yet been provided, further information is anticipated as the situation develops.

More Information About Alps Alpine North America, Inc.

Alps Alpine North America, Inc. is a prominent subsidiary of the multinational corporation Alps Alpine Co. Ltd., which has its headquarters based in Tokyo, Japan. As a key player in the electronics industry, Alps Alpine North America is situated in Santa Clara, California, operating significantly under the corporate umbrella of its Japanese parent company.

Business Divisions and Offerings

Alps Alpine is structured into three main divisions that cater to different sectors and customer bases. These divisions are Alps Automotive, Alps Home and Mobile, and Alps Industry, Healthcare & Energy. Each division is tailored to meet the specific demands of its respective markets, providing a wide range of electronic components and consumer electronic products.

Alps Automotive

The Alps Automotive division specializes in supplying electronic components to automotive manufacturers. As such, its customers primarily consist of automobile companies and suppliers seeking advanced electronic solutions for vehicles. These solutions can range from infotainment systems to sophisticated in-car sensor technology.

Alps Home and Mobile

For the consumer electronics market, the Alps Home and Mobile division focuses on home entertainment and mobile devices. The products from this segment are integral to consumers looking for quality electronic components in their devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and home entertainment systems.

Alps Industry, Healthcare & Energy

Targeting industrial applications, the Alps Industry, Healthcare & Energy division provides components for a myriad of uses. This includes healthcare equipment manufacturers and companies involved in energy and industrial machinery, reflecting the diverse capabilities of the company to serve a broad customer base.

Company Reach and Impact

Alps Alpine’s influence is not limited to one geographical location but spans globally, with a particularly strong presence in North America through its subsidiary, Alps Alpine North America, Inc. The company operates worldwide with a vast network of subsidiaries, harnessing talent and resources across its 84 subsidiaries.

Employment and Economic Contribution

The company employs over 38,471 individuals, contributing significantly to the job market in various regions. This workforce is integral not only to the company’s operational success but also contributes to local economies where Alps Alpine facilities are situated. The company achieves substantial financial performance, with approximately $5.9 billion in annual revenue, highlighting its economic impact and importance within the electronics sector.