Urgent Notice: First Team Real Estate Data Breach – Protecting Your Personal Information

In a world increasingly reliant on digital connectivity, data breaches have become an unfortunate reality. The latest victim of this alarming trend is First Team Real Estate, a trusted name in the real estate industry. On behalf of its clients and consumers, First Team Real Estate has recently reported a significant data breach, potentially impacting a large number of individuals. While the extent of the damage remains uncertain, it is crucial for those affected to take immediate action to safeguard their personal information.

Did You Receive A First Team Real Estate Notice Letter?
First Team Real Estate
Did you receive notice from First Team Real Estate that your information was breached?
Do you still have a copy of the notice letter?

The Breach and Its Gravity

First Team Real Estate detected a data breach on July 1, 2023, during which sensitive personal identifiable information and protected health information within its systems may have been accessed. The breach was believed to have occurred around June 29, 2023. Such data breaches are not only disconcerting but also have the potential for serious consequences.

The compromised information includes:

  • Name
  • Social Security number
  • Date of birth
  • Driver’s license number
  • Health insurance information
  • Financial account number
  • Tax identification number

First Team Real Estate: A Trusted Name

First Team Real Estate is no stranger to Southern California residents, offering a comprehensive range of real estate services since its establishment in 1976. With a reputation for excellence, this brokerage firm specializes in residential, commercial, and investment properties, in addition to providing property management and global relocation services. Having consistently ranked as the #1 real estate company in Southern California for 19 years, First Team Real Estate has earned the trust of countless clients throughout its history.

Your Action Plan

If you have received a notification regarding this data breach or have engaged in any transactions with First Team Real Estate, it is essential to take the following steps immediately:

  • Review the notification carefully to understand the potential impact on your personal information.
  • Consider monitoring your financial accounts and credit reports for any suspicious activity.
  • Implement security measures such as changing passwords and enabling two-factor authentication where applicable.
  • Stay informed about the latest developments and follow any additional guidance provided by First Team Real Estate.
  • Remember that your response can make a significant difference in safeguarding your personal data and helping prevent further compromise. Together, as a vigilant and responsible community, we can navigate the challenges posed by cyber threats and protect what matters most—our personal information and the security of our community.